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Investigating Intellectual Property Theft

Intellectual Property is likely the most valuable asset that your company owns. And it can often the target of cyber attacks from external sources like hackers, as well as from insider threats too.

Insiders like employees, contractors, or other third parties with access to privileged information present a very real threat to your IP because it’s so easily available.

Why Secbox Forensic Investigation ?

With the range of threats targeting businesses, it’s not a matter of if a cyberattack will occur, it’s a matter of when. With that in mind, cybersecurity teams need to prioritize developing, implementing, and updating their incident response playbook to help reduce the damage, recovery time, and cost of a cybersecurity incident.

A key step in developing a successful incident response playbook is the post-incident review and analysis. Effective prevention of future events needs to be informed by the post-incident analysis. Understanding vulnerabilities in a network is imperative to being prepared to prevent future incidents and strengthening your organization’s security posture.

The Framework for an Incident Response Playbook

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides one of the most commonly adopted frameworks for incident response. The NIST framework outlines four key phases of IR: Preparation, Detection & Analysis, Containment, Eradication, & Recovery, and Post-Incident Activity.

The Importance of Lessons Learned

With rising costs and continued frequency of cyberattacks, more than ever businesses need to refine their incident response playbook and workflow. The damage from a security breach can take several forms, with reputation damage, data loss and downtime being primary concerns, all of which can impact the financial stability and longevity of a company.

Using SECBOX Forensic gain a detailed understanding of cyber incidents, an Incident Response playbook can be refined and improved to address threats before they become attacks, hardening your company’s security posture, and protecting its longevity.

Here are some other ways that our customers are using SecBox Forensic (SF) to help find evidence in IP Theft investigations:

  • Connections – Use Connections to follow the path of files and documents to understand where they went, who they were sent to and who sent them

  • Timeline – Typically insiders will steal IP one month before they resign and one month after they resign, use SF to build a timeline of events based on relative time filters so you can examine relevant events

  • Cloud Storage – Acquire evidence from cloud storage services like AWS, SharePoint, G Drive, and more and include it in your examination. Audit logs and other artifacts allow you to track how files moved between physical devices and the cloud

  • Artifacts-First Approach – SF artifacts-first approach is perfect for helping you quickly identify artifacts like Email and Removable Media: the two most common data exfiltration methods

  • Covert Remote Acquisition – Covertly acquire evidence from target endpoints with a configurable remote acquisition agent so employees suspected of IP theft aren’t tipped off to an investigation

  • AI – Another common way to exfil data is by using screenshots. Using artificial intelligence, it will immediately surface screenshots no matter where they’re saved in the evidence

SECBOX Forensic (SF)

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